Wednesday, 3 June 2015

It's gonna be May

Well, bloody hell. Where did May go?! 

Maybe it's because I've been looking forward to this month for so long that it just flew by quicker than usual. 

Bugger. I didn't want it to end.

So as usual, every few weeks I do an right royal 'life blogger' post about all the jazzy jazz (jazzy jazz?) I've gotten up to. Now, I'm positively certain that no one else cares about these sort of blog posts, but I absolutely love them! Who wouldn't like a little sneaky peek into other peoples lives? (I know, I'm one nosy little bitch, aren't I?) But you know, without seeming like a complete weirdo, I love reading peoples blogs like these, as they give me ideas & inspiration for new places I'd like to visit and new things I could get up to. I can only hope my blog inspires you to do the same!

This time round I've even included a few short clips from the month because you know, I'm so hip and down with the kids. Honestly, give them a watch, they're only about 20 seconds each but I really feel they add a lil sumpin' sumpin' to this post.

But hey, even if no one else cares for these sort of posts, I for one love going back and looking over these blogs months down the line and reminiscing on what I got up to. So even if no one else reads this, hello to future me! This is what May 2015 had to offer!

PS. If you're not singing NYSNC's song 'It's going to be me' because of the title you ought to be very ashamed of yourself right now.

16th - 19th May: Sandy's Hen do in Budapest

Along with four days in this beautiful house (vlog & blog to come!)

Sunday 24th May: Celebrated my mums birthday and took her to dinner at Miller & Carter steak house

Monday 25th May: Met my sisters new squeeze. He even treated us all to a meal at Byron in Westfield (he’s a keeper)

Wednesday 27th May: Caught up with old friends over more burgers at Five Guys

Thursday 28th May: Celebrated my sisters birthday at Bubbledogs in London

Thursday 28th May: Saw RX Bandits live at the Electric Ballroom in Camden

Friday 29th May: Went to my friends birthday celebrations at the Aeronaut in Acton

Completed several high intensity workouts and actually lost 3lb :O 
(Also won these leggings from Active In Style from a competition hosted by Organic Burst on Twitter. Thanks you lot, I love them & they fit like a dream!)

Started dressing like an adult

Bought these beauties. 
Estee Lauder Double Wear in Ivory Nude and Relvon HD Lipstick in Petunia & Rose

Laughed at Stephens Hawkins dark humor

It has definitely been one jam packed month but I'm also so excited for what June has to offer. I'm also quite excited to share my first ever vlog with you guys very soon (I just have to edit the bloody thing first!) so keep a lil eye open for that beauty.

How was your month of May? Have you any exciting plans for June? Also, if you do similar styled blogs to this one, send me your link! Inspire me to do new things!



  1. Nope I love these posts as well, but then again I am super nosy too! Both the burgers from Byron and Five Guys look fab, I'm still yet to try both of those places!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. Ahh yay! I'm glad I'm not the only one! Definitely get down to them both, they're both worth a try :) x


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